December 2015 ReCap


December 9, 2015 @ Compton, CA

Reiyukai America receives a plaque of appreciation by the Salvation Army Compton Corps for supporting the community of Compton during the summer of 2015


December 19, 2015 @ East Los Angeles, CA

Reiyukai Creative Recycling was invited to be part of “Tianguis Navideño Estilo Floricanto” where handmade made recycling crafts were purchased by holiday shoppers. The proceeds went directly to support Reiyukai America’s Disaster Relief Fund

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74th Annual Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration

Honolulu, Hawai’i – For almoast a decade, local Reiyukai America members living in Hawai’i have been attending the Pearl Harbor Commemoration; an annual tradition of presenting a wreath at the USS Arizona Memorial, to honor, respect and show appreciation to those who lost their lives during that battle.



November 2015 Recap

Reiyukai Family Day Festival Hosted in Chicago!




On, November 15th, REACT members in Chicago organized their annual Family Day Festival! Through a variety of programs, presentations, and games, the event raised awareness of the importance of creating one’s very own group of people where one can treat the others as their own family members. The event was fun and successful as many appreciated the existence of their “families.” Simultaneously, there were many newly registered Reiyukai members!

Reiyukai Co-Founder’s Commemoration


Pasadena, California – Reiyukai America members living in the So-Cal area gathered on Sunday, November 15th, at the Reiyukai America Pasadena Center, to join the rest of the Reiyukai community from around the world, to commemorate the efforts and achievements of Reiyukai’s co-founder—Mr. Kakutaro Kubo, who passed away on November 18, 1944.

And the Award Winners are…


Honolulu, Hawai‘i – The Final Presentation for the 2015 Letter to My Parents ContestTM in Hawai‘i was held on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at the Executive Dining Room, Campus Center in UH M?noa where eleven finalists recited their letters dedicated to their parents/guardians.

Unlike the previous two years, the Organizing Committee decided to recognize three letters by the following categories: Bravery, Reflection, and Proposal. For this year’s contest, these awards were presented to Sheena Juliano for Bravery, Abigail Badua for Reflection and Shirell Bell for Proposal. Each of them received a prize of $500 sponsored by Kalamansi Books and Things, Filipino Association of University Women and Reiyukai America.

“Everyone tonight witnessed that one letter can bring the change in each family. Each of the letters are a result of deep reflection with an intention to show gratitude but also to show an intention to improve the family relationship. And that intention is what brings a positive change to our community!!” Says Noriko Sotta, Member of the Reiyukai America National Committee.



October 2015 Recap



Relaying the Torch to the Next Generation

San Diego, California – 8th Branch Tokura Branch members living in So-Cal spent an enriching time during the visit of their Branch Leader, Mrs. Toshiko Takechi, from Japan.

The activities of Reiyukai in San Diego started during the 1970s. It was Mrs. Tokura, mother of Toshiko, who introduced and shared with the Japanese wives, who immigrated to the States, the experience of remembering and honoring the ancestors proposed by Reiyukai.

Throughout the five decades, many who became part of the Reiyukai community back then are now deceased, such as Yoshie Thomas, ex-member of the Reiyukai America National Committee representing the San Diego area.

On Sunday, October 11th, Tokura Branch members gathered to commemorate the lives of those who were dedicated to the practice of Reiyukai.

Many who joined the gathering shared their thoughts. One of the attendants said, “Reiyukai has been important to our lives — especially to my mother. I did not know much about it back then, but now that we have an English meeting every two months, I can understand better about Reiyukai, its teachings and its purpose.”

The commemoration had turned into a day of celebration where everybody felt the torch of Reiyukai teachings been relayed to the next generation.

September 2015 Recap

Remember, Honor —and Pledge


Reiyukai America Conducts A Public Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in a Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of WWII

Arlington, Virginia – On September 3, 2015, Reiyukai America, The Reiyukai America National Committee and REACT young leaders from Chicago, were present for Arlington National Cemetery’s 70th Anniversary of WWII and their Public Wreath Layin 
 g Ceremony at th e Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
As an international humanitarian non-profit organization that promotes world peace through remembering and honoring our ancestors and their forerunners, Reiyukai America members payed tribute to those who dedicated their lives to protect the nation, and pledged to the national heroes to continue striving hard for the sake of society.
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Marcelino Pangan, a REACT youth member from Chicago, shared his thoughts after attending the ceremony. “I had the honor to be in the floral ceremony and showed respect to our soldiers. I started thinking about my family and my ancestors, how our ancestors paved a road and made a clear way for us to walk on… it made me realize how I want to do the same thing my ancestors did so that our future descendants can have a better place to live in.”


Brief — but, Heartwarming

Weston, Connecticut— Mari Lewis and her Connecticut Branch members enjoyed an unexpected visit from Mr. and Mrs. Matsunaga, both mentors and Branch Leaders from Japan, who were on their way to Lima, Peru.
They spent an afternoon sharing stories from their Reiyukai journey which started in Japan over 40 years ago.  Mari Lewis also shared stories of her first encounter with the Matsunagas in Lima, Peru, 30 years ago, and how the Reiyukai practice changed her and her life. Other members shared experiences, some of which were poignant and humorous.
Though a very brief visit, each one of us felt nurtured by their heartwarming and encouraging words. We are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Matsunaga for making this stop and look forward to their next visit. (Text by Mari Lewis)

Mrs Matsunaga mr. matsunaga



September 27 @ Reiyukai Coffee Talk, San Diego, CA