October Events Recap

October 8-22 Mrs. Takechi Visiting San Diego
October 10 Fall 2014 ArtNight Pasadena
October 11 Choices Expo
October 18 Connecting to Our Roots
October 27 South Western College
YuGo Club – Pizza A GO GO / Cotsen Tournament

October 8-22 Every year, it is a great joy for Reiyukai America members in San Diego to welcome Mrs. Toshiko Takechi, a branch leader from Japan. This year again, members organized various gatherings during her stay to share the life experiences that one has obtained through the practices of Reiyukai, as well as enriching their understanding that is incorporated in the teaching.

October 10 – It has become Reiyukai America’s annual tradition to be part of the greatest celebration of art?ArtNight Pasadena.  This year has become a debut for Reiyukai Creative Recycling after changing its name from Oriental Fusion Handcraft?Recycling Workshop.The Reiyukai Creative Recycling offered a picture-frame making workshop at the Pasadena Public Library as this year’s theme was “Celebrating 130 years 1884-2014.” Every participant, from children to adult, has become an artist to create their very own picture frame that allows you to capture your moment of celebration.

October 11 – Choices Expo is a free event that provides a variety of choices for new school for children, new outlook on health, more education, to go back to school, what is available from social services, to learn about places and opportunities in the surrounding areas.

October 18 – Reiyukai America members from Connecticut and Mari Lewis’ Tai Chi students gathered at Sherwood Island State Park for an afternoon of Tai Chi and potluck picnic lunch. Under the warm Autumn sun, children enjoyed the sand and the water while the adults enjoyed the harmonious and graceful movements of tai chi. The Reiyukai practice and the Tai Chi exercise promote balance by developing awareness of our connection to our roots, the Reiyukai in a spiritual way, Tai Chi in a physical way. (Report by Mari Lewis)

October 27 – On Monday, October 27, Reiyukai America was invited to be at the main campus of South Western College?a community college located in Chula Vista, CA, probably a college that is located in the most southern part of the nation.During a 50 minute class on a early Monday morning, a representative from Reiyukai America gave a brief lecture about how the philosophy of Buddhism was introduced to the Japanese society, how the teaching was adopted into the Japan’s custom and the significance of Reiyukai being a non-profit organization carrying out the ideas of Buddhism in the modern society. A big “Thank You” goes to Prof. James Westbrook for the invitation

YuGo Club Pizza A GO GO/Cotsen Tournament – Celebrating the National Pizza Month, on October 22, Yu Go Club hosted a Pizza A GO GO. What is it? Simple. Eating pizza along with Go players while playing Go! Over twenty Go enthusiast fill out the Reiyukai America Pasadena Center!

Yu Go Club was at the Cotsen Tournament that was held in Korea Town Los Angeles. Excellent news! I am proud to report that the Yu Go Club made a strong showing at this year’s Cotsen tournament. Rintaro, Joe, Hendrik, Ross, and Luis all finished with a positive record of 3-2. James Lou and I both finished with a record of 4-1 and we both won our respective divisions! Not only that, in an incredible turn of events, the Yu Go Club won $200 and 3rd place in a high stakes games of Rochambeau!” (Report by Greg Kulevich)

September Events Recap


The following report is about a Beach Cleaning project that took place in the morning of September 20th which was conducted under the initiative of Gabriela living in Orange County. “Our first beach cleaning is to focus on observing how clean the area is – after all, the ocean sustains us with the basic elements of life (it produces half of the oxygen in the air we breathe, and it is an essential part of the water cycle, helping to provide the water we drink). Huntington Beach is also home for several sea birds and ocean wildlife – nowadays, they are massively dying due to polluted waters. Basically, ocean is life – without it, we would not even be here! So it is our job taking good care of it and making sure it will be here for us for a long time to come,” said Gabriela prior to the activity.

The first beach cleaning attempt was successful as it was a great opportunity for all the participants to learn about the reality of the beaches in Southern California. REACT hopes to continue on a monthly basis to protect the ocean.

If you have an interest in providing care to your community, visit www.meetup.com/REACTnow for volunteer opportunities or contact Rome at rsotelo@reiyukai-usa.org


August Events Recap

August 02    Historic Filipinotown Festival 2014
August 9-10  Los Angeles Tanabata Festival 2014
August 16-17 Chicago Members Visiting Mexico
August       Meetings with local leaders


August 2 – Did you know that the Historic Filipinotown in Los Angeles is the first officially designated Filipino district in the country? Every year, in order to preserve the culture and traditions of the community – the district organizes the Historic Filipinotown Festival. It was a great honor for Reiyukai America to be at this festival where representatives from Reiyukai America had the opportunity to explain its activities and network with local leaders who are striving for the development of their community!


August 9/10 – Every year, Reiyukai America’s LA members enjoy participating at the Tanabata Festival. For two full days, many people from different cultural backgrounds visited our booth to learn about the variety of activities and projects that take place within the region. Many people signed up for their annual membership in order to take part in the events. Many of those who did not sign up during the festival have attended the regular activities afterwards and have applied for membership. How awesome is that! Welcome new members!!

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August 16/17 – Reiyukai in Mexico organized the “Young Adult Leadership Retreat” and were joined by two REACT members from Chicago. During the two-day program, the participants from Chicago had opportunities toexplain their activities, exchange ideas about how to promote the activities of Reiyukai, and interact with the Mexican members.


August Meetings with Local Leaders – The first story (picture) is of the Rotary Club of the Historic Filipinotown who was particularly interested in the Letter to My ParentsTM project. Later, representatives from REACT had a serious discussion about the project and the possibility of incorporating it into their lead writing program. We are very excited to be a part of this partnership so that REACT Los Angeles maybe able to bring this family-changing project to all of the people in the Filipino community. The second story (picture) is the update of our involvement with the kind people of Cambodia Town in Long Beach. REACT representatives met with American Red Cross Khmer Ambassador, Charles Song, who was introduced to the Letter to My ParentsTM Contest by a very active recent Annual Member of Reiyukai. With his kind endorsement, REACT will now continue to pursue meeting with local Khmer leaders in the area – with a view to introducing this enriching project to the community, as an inspiration to family unity.

July Events Recap

July 19-20   Lotus Festival 2014
July 26           Dragon Boat Festival 2014
July 27           Kundiman 808

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July 19/20 – Reiyukai America was delighted to be a part of this amazing community event! The last time Reiyukai America participated was in 2011! At the Reiyukai America booth, participants enjoyed a free workshop to experience the magic of Reiyukai Creative RecyclingSM and the displays about the activities and projects that currently Reiyukai America promotes in the Los Angeles area. Reiyukai America staff enjoyed having great conversation with many people who showed interest and curiosity about what Reiyukai does. There were several people who signed up as a member to continue enjoying and learning more about the ideas of Reiyukai!


July 26 – Young Reiyukai America members in Chicago area enjoyed their first booth presentation at the Chicago International Dragon Boat Festival! Many who were participating at the boat race stopped by the Reiyukai America booth and learned about the local Reiyukai activities that take place in Chicago area.Picture5

July 27 – Last but not least, Reiyukai America attended Kundiman 808—an event that share a variety of voices of the Filipino-American culture! During the event, the Letter to My Parents Contest was introduced to the audience as one method of expressing the ideas and thoughts of the youth!