Following the Founder’s Philosophy in Leading Productive Lives!
Pasadena, Califronia – On February 7, 2016, a lovely  gathering was held to celebrate the life and legacy of one of Reiyukai’s founding members, Mrs. Kimi Kotani. An international group of new and familiar faces, such as Japan, Nepal, Brazil, and Central America began the group recitation of the Maitreya Sutra, followed by a short video showcasing Mrs. Kotani’s vigorous spirit in creating the framework Reiyukai is today. The gathering ended with members sharing their thoughts inspired by Mrs. Kotani’s philosophy in leading productive lives; in honor of our ancestors, ourselves and future generations.
February 14 @ Reiyukai Coffee Talk, San Diego, CA
And the Inspirational Creativity Award goes to….
Pasadena, CA – Congratulations to Shirley Hall from Montebello for winning the “Inspirational Creativity Award” in this year’s Reiyukai Creative Recycling 2015 Milk Carton Competition! For details visit: