September 2015 Recap

Remember, Honor —and Pledge


Reiyukai America Conducts A Public Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in a Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of WWII

Arlington, Virginia – On September 3, 2015, Reiyukai America, The Reiyukai America National Committee and REACT young leaders from Chicago, were present for Arlington National Cemetery’s 70th Anniversary of WWII and their Public Wreath Layin 
 g Ceremony at th e Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
As an international humanitarian non-profit organization that promotes world peace through remembering and honoring our ancestors and their forerunners, Reiyukai America members payed tribute to those who dedicated their lives to protect the nation, and pledged to the national heroes to continue striving hard for the sake of society.
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Marcelino Pangan, a REACT youth member from Chicago, shared his thoughts after attending the ceremony. “I had the honor to be in the floral ceremony and showed respect to our soldiers. I started thinking about my family and my ancestors, how our ancestors paved a road and made a clear way for us to walk on… it made me realize how I want to do the same thing my ancestors did so that our future descendants can have a better place to live in.”


Brief — but, Heartwarming

Weston, Connecticut— Mari Lewis and her Connecticut Branch members enjoyed an unexpected visit from Mr. and Mrs. Matsunaga, both mentors and Branch Leaders from Japan, who were on their way to Lima, Peru.
They spent an afternoon sharing stories from their Reiyukai journey which started in Japan over 40 years ago.  Mari Lewis also shared stories of her first encounter with the Matsunagas in Lima, Peru, 30 years ago, and how the Reiyukai practice changed her and her life. Other members shared experiences, some of which were poignant and humorous.
Though a very brief visit, each one of us felt nurtured by their heartwarming and encouraging words. We are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Matsunaga for making this stop and look forward to their next visit. (Text by Mari Lewis)

Mrs Matsunaga mr. matsunaga



September 27 @ Reiyukai Coffee Talk, San Diego, CA

As of January 2016, Reiyukai America Membership Fee will be $3.00 per person per month

Everything Reiyukai America does could not be possible without your Annual Membership support.


In order to provide many projects, in order to reach out to many more different communities all around our nation, the Reiyukai America National Committee has decided to increase the membership fee as of January 2016.


Please be aware that Reiyukai America membership fee will be $3.00 per person per month. That is only a 50¢ increase per person. Therefore, the annual membership fee per person will be $36.00.


Below are several ways to maintain your Annual membership status active! Many thanks!


1: Sending Check/Money Order to the office directly.

Please make the check payable to “Reiyukai America.”


2: Bring cash to the office or give it directly to the person

who invited to you to join the activities of Reiyukai



3: Direct Deposit to the Reiyukai’s Wells Fargo Bank account.

Account Number: 5670485142

Please contact the office after making a deposit.


4: Online. Go visit Reiyukai America’s website now!


August Recap


Tokyo, Japan — Ever since its foundation on July 13, 1930, Reiyukai has been advocating its philosophy— the values of devoting oneself for the sake of others and the community. The “Reiyukai Foundation Festival” is a celebration that is held in over ten locations all over Japan to share and introduce the spirits that has never changed for the last seven decades.

On Sunday, July 12, JOY-FEST in TOKYO was held in Reiyukai Headquarter’s Shakaden. Their event keyword was “ENJOY.” “EN (?) ” in Japanese, can be translated as “bonding.” The different programs, activities and workshops that were presented during the big event was an opportunity for everyone to be aware of their connections.




Tokyo, Japan — Reiyukai America once again proudly supported the “New Life Adventure’s Used Postage Stamps Collecting Drive.” The New Life Adventure (NLA), supported by Reiyukai in Japan, aims for a healthy development of the youth. Through the NLA, teens in Japan exchanged used postage stamps for cash, then purchased wheelchairs to donate to welfare centers and hospitals.

On August 6, Madoka Obara, Reiyukai America National Committee Member representing Los Angeles/Pasadena region, visited the New Life Adventure Administration office in Tokyo, Japan, and made an official presentation of used stamps that were collected through multiple Reiyukai America members. Reiyukai America members are always invited to join to this cause!  For more details, visit


Above: August @ Reiyukai Gathering in central LA/Culver City Area


Above:August 15-16 @ 7th Annual Los Angeles Tanabata Festival

July Recap

July 6-23 – Compton, LA

July 11/12 – Lotus Festival, LA

July 25 – Chicago, DragonBoat

Every Thursday Chicago, IL



Compton, CA — REACT (Reiyukai Active Care Team) is one of the projects promoted by Reiyukai America to inspire current Reiyukai members and newcomers to become a more active presence within the community. Its mission is to look out into the community, assess the problems or needs of that community and then provide a reaction! During the month of July, Reiyukai America was invited by the Salvation Army Compton Corps to organize projects for the youth who visit the facility during the summer camp. One of the volunteers there is a Reiyukai America member.


Above: July 11 & 12 @ Lotus Festival, Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA

Below: July 25 @  Walgreens Chicago International Dragon Boat Festival, Chicago, IL



Chicago, IL — REACT members in Chicago gets together every Thursday for a Reiyukai Gathering.

The gathering usually begins with a mediation followed by a powerful group recitation of the Blue Sutra. After that, members discuss what they have been going through and exchange ideas about what they have seen/read in the Blue Sutra. Interested? Come check them out!


Pasadena, CA
57 Members

Do you want to be more active in your community?Do you want to meet people that share the same vision in helping others?ReACT stands for Reiyukai Active Care Team. This tea…

Next Meetup

PASADENA: Japanese Language Workshop

Wednesday, Sep 25, 2019, 6:00 PM
2 Attending

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